Strength Training Weight Storage

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Strength Training Weight Storage

Don't let the amount of strength training equipment on the market deter you from having a home gym. Often, once you get the equipment to do your daily workouts, your space begins to look a little messy and you find it hard to locate the piece of equipment you need. The best way to combat the mess is with a sound weight storage system that is easy to use, in a convenient place and at a price within your range. Whether you have a lot of weights or just a few, there's a setup that has you in mind.

Medicine Ball

Medicine balls are an enjoyable way to get in shape by doing an activity that is fun. A tall stand is ideal for storing your different types. The best way to place them is from the lightest to heaviest working your way down the stand.


One of the easiest ways to strength train at home is to use dumbbells. With the ability to purchase several in a variety of weights means you are ready when it's time to move up or on the days when you want to move down in weight. Instead of leaving them on the floor it's better to put them on a dumbbell storage unit.

Plate Weights

An A-frame or tree plate weight storage is a great way to keep your equipment separated and easier to find so you can combine the different sizes to equal your lifting weights.

Kettle Bell

Kettle bells are very similar to dumbbells in that they come in various weights and they don't require a lot of space. You can use a table for storage or a tree rack that takes up less floor space. If you can easily see which bell you want, you're more likely to use it.