Surfboard Wall Rack

Choosing Your Perfect Surfboard Wall Rack

Looking for the perfect solution to surfboard storage? eBay carries a range of surfboard wall racks that are sure to fit your board, your space, and your aesthetic.

If you're an avid surfer, your board is surely one of your most prized possessions. As such, you don't want to leave your surfboard carelessly on the ground. A surfboard holder is perfect for surfers who want to both protect and show off their board. There's a huge range of surfboard wall racks on the market, so there are a few ways to narrow down your choice.

Weight capacity

The very first question you should ask yourself when considering your surfboard holder purchase is this: how much does your board weigh? The biggest benefit to buying a surfboard wall rack is to protect your surfboard, so you want to make sure the holder is secure in supporting the weight of your surfboard. Surfboards vary in weight, so choose the surfboard wall rack with the right capacity for your board.


Surfboard wall racks typically come in two styles: lie-flat and vertical. A lie-flat surfboard holder will allow you to simply set your board onto the rack, so your board rests horizontally. This type of holder is great for those who use or move their board several times a day, as it's quick and easy to grab your board from the rack. A vertical surfboard holder allows you to slide your board into the rack so the board sits vertically, with the fin pointing outward from your wall. This type of surfboard wall rack is perfect for those who take pride in their board's design and want to show it off. Make sure you look for a surfboard wall rack with foam if you choose to purchase a vertical holder to prevent scratches and dings.


Do you own one surfboard or multiple? Surfboard holders can be designed to hold multiple boards at a time, perfect for storeowners or surfboard enthusiasts. Simply find the right surfboard wall rack for your quantity of boards.

Whether you want to show off your vintage surfboard, or want to protect a prized possession, a surfboard wall rack is essential. Explore a range of surfboard holders on eBay!