Nursery Canopies & Netting

Nursery Canopies and Nettings

A happy baby means your whole household can sleep too. When choosing baby furniture, a canopy overtop the bed provides privacy and protection from flying pests such as mosquitoes. Additionally, the nursery bedding creates an inviting space for sleeping and gives the space an elegant look. 

What Types of Beds Do Canopies and Nettings Fit?

Nursery decor products such as a canopy transform the room instantly. Switch out the same bedding from a bassinet to a crib and then use it as a baby cot canopy as the child grows. Likewise, a portable canopy that folds up is convenient to use when away from home. 

What Materials Are Canopies and Nettings Made From?

Canopies and netting made from 100 per cent cotton allow the air to flow overtop the bed. Polyester mesh netting is lightweight and resists tearing. Moreover, both materials can easily be hand washed and air dried. 

How Do You Install Canopies and Nettings?

You'll need to install a hook in a ceiling beam to secure a hoop canopy above the bed. Once you've drilled a hole and installed the hook, hang the nursery canopy and arrange the netting as desired. Add tiebacks to secure the canopy when it's not draped around the baby furniture.