Uniden Baby Monitors


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Uniden Baby Monitors

For a new parent, nothing is more important than the safety of your child. That’s why when it comes to baby monitors, you want the very best. Uniden baby monitors were awarded Gold by Mother and Baby Australia in the category of baby monitors in 2016, proving they are a trusted brand.

Gives Parents Peace of Mind

No matter how many children you have, there is a natural anxiety that comes with moving a baby into their own room. Uniden baby monitors can give parents peace of mind by allowing them to monitor their baby remotely. The Brank BW3102 Uniden camera has night vision so parents can check on bubs in the dark, a temperature gauge with warning alerts and even a walkie talkie function so that mum or dad can soothe a baby back to sleep without having to enter the room.

Get More Done While Baby Sleeps

Installing a digital baby camera in your nursery can let you get on with your day whilst your baby is napping. Whether you’re putting on a load of washing, cleaning up the breakfast dishes or just relaxing with a coffee, the Uniden 2.3 digital wireless baby video monitor BW3001 lets you see and hear your child. You can have connectivity with up to 4 cameras, plus it has a selection of lullabies to sing baby off to sleep.

Helps With Sleep Training

Self soothing is an important part of sleep training, but if you only have an audio baby monitor it can be difficult to tell just by sound if your baby is lying down and almost drifting off, or standing up and in need of attention. A Uniden baby monitor camera lets you see what baby’s doing, meaning you won’t be getting out of bed needlessly in the middle of the night, resulting in more sleep for the whole family!