Upright Vacuum Cleaners

Upright Vacuums

Pick up pet hair from your carpeted floors effortlessly with the powerful, deep-cleaning motorised brush on an upright vacuum. Consider a Dyson upright vacuum, a Hoover upright vacuum or any that suits your cleaning needs from other reputable brands, such as Miele, Electrolux, Shark and Kirby, because they have been vigourously tested for cleaning effectiveness, quietness, ease of use and storage.

Pros and Cons of Using Upright Vacuums

Upright vacuums run on powerful motors and have plenty of tools for removing dirt, making them perfect for deep cleaning large swathes of wall-to-wall carpets. Unfortunately, traditional upright vacuums are difficult to manoeuvre because of their bulk, need a larger storage space and may be noisier than other types. Modern, lightweight smart vacuums are kinder on your back and may include crevice nozzles and dirt sensors.

Upright Vacuum Features

Suck all the dirt off your curtains and sofa upholstery with a suction control feature, while a pile-height selector ensures that you can vacuum other non-carpeted floors with the correct selection. Anti-allergenic models with high-efficiency particulate arrestance/air (HEPA) filters that reduce emissions and remove irritants improve the quality of air in a room for all, but mostly for those suffering from allergies.

Bagged Versus Bagless Upright Vacuums

Bagged upright vacuums are more hygienic than the bagless types because they contain all the dirt in a closed bag. Though they also hold more dirt, and thus require emptying less often, you need to dispose of the bag before it reaches its limit and replace it. On the other hand, the high-maintenance bagless or bin-type vacuums require that you empty the bin before each use. They also use HEPA filters that you replace often.

Vacuum Cleaner Maintenance

Enjoy many years of service from your upright vacuum with regular maintenance. This generally includes monitoring and replacing bags on the bagged models or emptying bins before use on the bagless models. Additionally, cleaning vent covers, rollers and filters periodically according to the manufacturer's instructions and replacing any that have become less effective extend the vacuum lifespan considerably.