Vine Floral Décor

Vine Décor

Whether your intent is to decorate the interior or exterior of your home, vine décor is a wonderful way to add timeless elegance and charm to any space. Perfectly growing a vine can take a lot of time, sometimes years, and the final outcome may not be exactly what you're looking for. Adding faux ivy and vine décor to your inside and outside is easy and simple, and adds a grand touch your guests are sure to appreciate.

Ivy Vines

Ivy vine décor is perhaps the most prominent of all of the vine décor types, as it's meant to resemble ivy. Real ivy is not too terribly hard to grow; however, it's tough to control where the ivy will spread to, which is what can make real ivy a challenge. Look for different types of ivy strands and pieces to decorate door frames, mantles, trellises and beams.

Flower Vines

Floral vines are also a great consideration when it comes to décor. These vines go a little bit beyond decorating with plastic, silk or fabric flowers. Look for long strands of vines that work well in your garden or patio, or you can string flower vines inside in your enclosed porch, mudroom, entryway or foyer. Flower vines are a colourful option that can add a burst of colour in the spring or fall.

Grapevine Ideas

Grapevine ideas are very elegant touch that work well for special occasions. For instance, you can spruce up an outdoor wedding by adding faux grape vines to the gazebo or trellis near where the couple is tying the knot. Alternatively, grape vines do well on top of entryways to gardens and patios, or on outside trellis formations that are set adjunct to the house. You can also choose to make grape vine ivy part of your fencing.

Material Types

When it comes to material types, there are a few clear options. For attention to detail, var data=JSON.parse(atob("eyIxMDEwODYiOnsicHJvdmlkZXJQYXJhbWV0ZXJzIjp7fSwidGFyZ2V0aW5nUGFyYW1ldGVycyI6e30sImlkZW50aWZpY2F0aW9uIjp7Imluc3RhbmNlSWQiOjEsInByb3ZpZGVyIjoiTUZFX0FEX1BST1ZJREVSIiwic29qb3VybmVyTW9kdWxlSWQiOjQ1MzQ1LCJzY2VuYXJpbyI6IjEwMTA4NiIsInNjZW5hcmlvVmVyc2lvbiI6IiJ9LCJwYWdlSWQiOiIyNDk5MzM0IiwicGxhY2VtZW50SWQiOjEwMTA4Nn19"));window.scandalAds?window.scandalAds.push(data):window.scandalAds=[data];