Wedding Flower Bouquets

Wedding Flower Bouquets

Did you know that the average Australian couple will spend almost $3,000 on flowers and decorations for their wedding? That’s money that could be spent on a honeymoon upgrade or saved to go towards starting a new life together. And all that money on something that will wilt and die within days. It’s no wonder that so many couples are now opting to have artificial wedding flower bouquets, a more affordable option.

Do Artificial Wedding Flowers Look Any Good?

A common misconception is that man-made bridal bouquets will look fake and tacky. People hear “artificial” and they think “plastic”. But foam wedding flowers are increasingly popular and are constructed with a type of foam that results in an incredibly lifelike texture and appearance. Another popular choice is silk wedding flowers which look amazing, won’t wilt in the heat and can be lightly scented.

What are the Benefits of  Artificial Wedding Bouquets?

A typical wedding party will require a bridal bouquet, smaller bouquets for all of the bridesmaids, buttonholes for the groom/groomsmen plus floral arrangements for decoration. With real flowers, this means a lot of hassle and stress on the day of the wedding. Artificial wedding bouquets can be prepared and collected in advance, ensuring minimal stress on the big day. Flowers that are typically out of season can still be crafted for inclusion and you don’t have to worry about your guests with allergies being affected by pollen. Best of all, you can keep you wedding flowers forever, perhaps even passing the bouquet onto your children.

What Kind of Wedding Bouquets Are Available?

Artificial wedding flowers are available in just about any type, colour and arrangement you can think of. Popular choices include roses, lilies, peonies and orchids and these are typically available in bouquets, posies, tabletop displays and even as petals which can be showered over the newlyweds.