Pool Covers

Pool Covers

The benefits of using a swimming pool cover simply cannot be overstated. Pool covers, whilst simple in design, are varied and complex in the many ways that they can save the average household time, money and water. Without a pool cover, most swimming pools will require greater care, incur greater cost and be less economically friendly. A swimming pool is a solid investment, so why wouldn’t you make sure your pool stays in tip top condition with a pool cover?

Save Time

Who wants to begin every swimming session by cleaning the pool? Bored kids are standing around waiting whilst some poor parent gingerly tries to scoop bucket loads of leaves, drowning bugs and assorted bits and pieces off the surface of the pool...and that’s just the things that are floating on the top! A Genuine Intex Pool Cover is an ideal cover for steel frame above-ground pools, with threaded ropes to ensure a secure fit and drainage holes to prevent rainwater accumulating on top.

Save Money

Installing a good quality pool cover can save the average pool owner a great deal of money, since it lowers chemical consumption and water usage. A dirty pool filled with debris will need a higher volume of chemicals added to improve water quality, and when water is lost through evaporation those chemicals evaporate too.

Save Water

According to a report prepared by Sunbather “an average heated swimming pool in Australia will lose almost twice it’s volume of water every year from evaporation”.! A good quality solar pool cover can limit this evaporation, by up to 95%. Less evaporation means that pools won’t need to be topped up as frequently, something that is particularly important in drought stricken areas.. A Solar Swimming Pool Cover 500 Micron Outdoor Bubble Blanket is easy to install, UV resistant and made from high quality materials. This type of cover can be wound back onto a roller for easy storage when the pool is in use.

Swim Longer

Swimming pool owners who install insulated pool covers will generally find that their pool stays warmer for longer. Rather than only swimming on the very hottest days of the year, a good quality thermal cover may extend the swimming season by weeks or even months.