Butterfly Wings

Fly high with a new pair of butterfly wings from eBay

Probably the most popular go-to costume or wings costume for girls and women alike is the butterfly or butterfly wings costume. Whether you’re up for a birthday party, Halloween trick or treat, costume for a play, or you’re simply having a spur of the moment feeling to wear costume wings, eBay has what you need. After all, there are more than one way to wear butterfly wings.

Butterfly wing styles

Butterfly wings costumes or accessories come in a variety of styles such as shawls, scarves, stoles, capes, skirts and dresses even! Imagine the possibilities. A little amount of creativity and innovation can go a long way to wear a butterfly costume without actually having to wear wire hangers on your back. You can also don butterfly costume accessories like wands, hair clips and headbands.

Needless to say, there are plenty of colours and designs to choose from for you or your kid’s butterfly wings. To help you choose the best wing design and colour, consider what you or you kid will wear with it, the time of day, the event and imagine how you want to look like or stand out – imagine butterfly wings made with LED! They are just some of the options you can find here on eBay.

Another thing to consider for you or your child’s butterfly wings costume is the size and material. It should not be too big, too heavy or too long so you or your child can wear it for a long time during the occasion and should not be too small or too light that it’s not doing you any favour or adding any glitz and glamour on your entire look. Choose a butterfly wings costume that can serve its visual and functional purpose yet is comfortable enough to be worn from a few to several hours.