Queen Mattress Toppers & Protectors


A bed fit for a queen: Queen mattress toppers

A queen-sized bed should be a sanctuary. A place to feel comfort and escape the troubles of daily life. If your queen mattress is past its prime, or just not the level of firmness that you need, your bed can feel less like a haven and more like hell. 

That’s where a queen mattress topper comes in. A queen mattress topper is a great solution to adjust the firmness of your bed without investing thousands into a new queen mattress. You can find queen mattress toppers in a range of materials, thicknesses and builds to suit your needs.

The benefits of a queen mattress topper

Stop the tossing and turning and enjoy the benefits of a queen mattress topper. These benefits include:

  • Pressure point relief: Choose a soft queen mattress topper, like a memory foam mattress topper, to hug the contours of your body and relieve your pressure points.
  • Additional support: If your mattress is sagging, too soft, or worn thin, a queen mattress topper can add additional firmness or softness to counteract the problem.
  • Extend your mattress’ life: Queen mattress toppers can also act like mattress protectors. They are an additional layer of shielding against the ambient environment.

What to consider when buying a queen mattress topper

There are so many different types and variations of queen mattress toppers to choose from. Some will work better for your wants and needs than others. Here are a few factors to consider when buying your queen mattress topper:

  • Thickness: Thicker queen mattress toppers are better at disguising bigger problems with the mattress beneath, such as sagging.
  • Material: The material of your mattress topper can impact how you wash it, your allergies and how longwearing it is. For example, a memory foam mattress topper will better serve people with asthma.
  • Temperature: Certain fabrics are warmer than others. For example wool or bamboo is a great choice for summer nights because it allows greater air flow.