Construction Pretend Play Tool Sets

Pretend Play Construction Tool Sets

A great idea for toddlers or preschool-age children, construction pretend play sets are ideal for both boys and girls. Sets can be large, similar to that of a play kitchen or they can be handheld sets that your child can travel with and take with anywhere. From character-specific sets, such as those from the television show Bob the Builder or hand-crafted wooden tools, there’s sure to be a set that strikes your child’s fancy.

Great Learning Tools

Pretend play preschool toys are a great way to spark your child’s imagination. It’s been shown that the ability to pretend play means a lot in early development, as your child begins to see and understand the world around him or her. These types of toys are great models for learning, and are fun and interactive for mum and dad as well.

Wooden Sets

Pretend play tool sets come in a number of designs and styles. You may want to opt for a standing workbench or tool set that includes a table that your child can “work” on. Typically, these sets have a wood construction, but for younger children, there are plastic sets available as well. Look for sets that include a bench or workspace, as well as pretend hammers, nails, screwdrivers and other tools.

Handheld Sets

If you’d like something a little smaller for your child, handheld tool sets are a great idea. Choose from types that have small pretend tools in a toolbox, or have them play with other types of tools, such as a pretend drill, leaf blower or tool vest. These types of tools can be easily carried from room and room, and your child can emulate the same household chores and errands as mum and dad.

Other Pretend Toys

Similarly to a tool set, other small pretend toys are a great idea as well, and can even be combined with a tool set. Look for sets that involve bug and butterfly exploration in the backyard, an explorer set or a mechanic’s set. All of these toys foster a love of learning and are great choices for your child.