Brush Cutters

Give your back a well-earned rest and cut those lawns down to size and shape with the extra power and performance of a quality whipper snipper. Like ride-on mowers, these tools can help you turn a tough garden maintenance job into a near effortless experience, leaving your lawn edges neat, straight and attractive along the way.

Petrol vs electric whipper snippers

Whether you should choose a petrol or electric powered hedge trimmer comes down to a matter of priorities. The larger petrol-driven motors run on horsepower, which makes them more powerful than their electric counterparts. The 2-stroke trimmers are fuelled by both petrol and oil, while the 4-stroke models only require petrol. Petrol models also tend to have a wider cutting radius to cut through thicker grass more efficiently. These cordless tools are easy to navigate around any area, but the petrol tank makes them heavier to carry. Electric whipper snippers, on the other hand, offer a lightweight and environmentally friendly alternative. The reduced power means they are ideal for smaller gardens that do not contain thick weeds. An electric trimmer is the perfect tool to keep alongside apush mowerin your garden shed.

Features to consider

If you're buying a petrol trimmer, start by choosing between a 52cc 2-stroke engine, genuine 62-cc 2-stroke engine, or a 4-stroke engine. Other features you may want in your new tool are: commercial grade line cutter, metal blade and couplings; ergonomic P-loop handle plus bull-horn handles; interlocking controls; and a comfortable and supportive padded backpack system. If the model features a reversible blade edge, you can simply flip it over when it's blunt and keep cutting, without the need to sharpen it straight away. Check to see if the item for sale includes handy extras such as a maintenance tool kit and safety kit with earmuffs, safety goggles and a pair of heavy duty gardening gloves.

Check out eBay now to find a whipper snipper that will help whip your garden into shape.