Ride - On Balance Bikes

Balance Bikes

Made expressly for toddlers as a fun training device, balance bikes help toddlers learn how to use a standard bicycle without the added extra step of using a pedal. Most balance bikes permit kids to use their feet to kick and push, which moves the bike along. Balance bicycles are different than training bicycles, because most do have two wheels instead of the third balancing wheel. There are several different types to choose from when it comes to standard balance bikes in Australia

Push and Kick Types

Push and kick balance bikes are the most common, and comprise most of the inventory sold. Strider balance bikes are the most popular brand in Australia and worldwide, but there are others as well. These bicycles have no drivetrain and no pedal system. Kids learn how to balance by using their feet to move the bike along. This type of bicycle does a good job for prepping kids for a tricycle or bicycle, which does have a drivetrain.

Pedal Types

There are several models of balance bikes that are pedal balance bikes. Built more for adults than for children, these pedal types of bikes are often used in adult exercise programme. These pedal bikes teach balance while using a pedal. There are not many options because they are so similar to a u001areal bicycle.

Construction Options

When it comes to balance bikes, there are a few construction options. Some bicycles have a construction made chiefly from wood, while others have an aluminium and carbon fibre construction. Seats on these bikes are typically adjustable, so even smaller toddlers can begin to learn to balance. There are different shapes when it comes to these bikes; some are low to the ground and resemble a skateboard, while others have a high seat and resemble a tricycle.

Boys and Girls Bikes

In contrast to regular boys and girls bicycles, there are not many differences when it comes to these pre-K balance bikes. The one main difference between boys and girls choices is the colour. Many girls bikes have a pink or purple colour, while boys bikes will feature colours such as blue, black and green. Wooden balance bikes are very gender neutral with a medium beige colour.
