Cactis&Succulent Seeds

Cacti & Succulent Seeds

Succulents are a class of plant with thick and fleshy portions that specially evolved to retain water in arid climates. Cactus plants are almost always succulents, though they have no true leaves and instead feature enlarged stems that do all the work, typically covered in spines.

Cacti & Succulent Seeds Varieties

Not all succulents are cacti, but almost all cacti are succulents. Other familiar types of succulent might include aloe, the jade plant or friendship tree, the Christmas cactus and hen and chicks. Such species make excellent house plants, as they are naturally inclined to dry outdoor living, but can generally survive in almost all common interior conditions. They are recognisable by their striking colours as much as by their unique shapes and flowers, and some growers use them to form wreaths and even bouquets or centrepieces for special occasions such as weddings.

Cacti & Succulent Seeds Care

Cacti and succulents are specialised for getting by on very little water. Spraying them with a gentle mist is often enough, though individual species may have particular needs or requirements that should be taken into consideration before you plant seeds. Succulents can also usually propagate by taking cuttings and similar.