Other Vintage Photography

Other Vintage Photography

Capturing images either in photo or video form, make memories last a lifetime. Utilising older or vintage photography equipment can produce amazing images with great quality and effects. There’s nothing like processing your own film and going through the steps necessary to get a great photo. Vintage camera and other photography accessories are not only fun to use, but many enthusiast also enjoy collecting these magnificent pieces of equipment that also provide a historical look back to the technology that we once used. Vintage photography equipment that is still popular today includes cameras and film as well as some movie cameras. Other pieces of camera nostalgia include film editors and slide viewers. There is a wide range of equipment available to purchase, the fun part is determining your needs and uses as well as narrowing down what you want to buy.

Vintage Cameras

Vintage cameras produce a certain look and feel in the images they take. They certainly don’t compare to their digital competitors that have flooded the market. There is something to be said about the inner workings of an old camera that make the photos much more special. There are some popular cameras many people deem as iconic and mark important aspects within the photography industry. The Rollei 35 is the smallest of many vintage cameras and while it certainly has its quirks, it’s small enough to travel with and you have full control over all aspects of the camera. The Minolta Prod is another great camera that features auto focus and exposure and is equally just as easy to carry around. The Zorki 4k is a simplistic camera with little features and is quite heavy, but to have a historical piece like this is great to add to any collection. The Pentax Spotmatic is another fun camera that produces great images but does take some time understanding how to use.

Vintage Camera Film

Vintage camera film is almost a redundant statement, in that because of the digital boom, most cameras are digital and there is rarely any film to process. However, true photographers can appreciate the use and styling you can achieve with camera film. 35 mm film is the most common among amateur and professional photographers. It comes in black and white as well as colour film. There is also medium format film that is 6 cm wide; however, it is very expensive and just as expensive to process. APS film is smaller than 35 mm. The sizing of the film determines the resolution of your images.