Unbranded Fitness Activity Trackers

Fitness Activity Tracker

A fitness activity tracker is a device that monitors your fitness or activity regime, as well as fitness-related metrics like the distance you ran, the number of calories you ate, the quality of your sleep and sometimes your heartbeat. You can usually wear them on your wrist and many of them come in the form of smartwatches. There is a variety of brands offering different fitness trackers with a range of features.

What are the benefits of using a fitness activity tracker?

There are many benefits of using a fitness activity tracker. They increase your personal accountability because they track everything and encourage you to be more active than you were the day before. Research has shown that people who wear a step tracker increase their activity by 30 per cent. They help set goals. Perhaps you have been running 5 kilometres every day but you would like to increase it to 10 kilometres within the next three months. A lot of fitness activity trackers have tips and ideas on how to increase your workouts and set goals. If you don't like exercising in a gym, a fitness tracker allows you to workout wherever you want. With an activity tracker, you can share your gains and goals on social media and even create group workouts in your area.

What different types of fitness activity trackers are available?

Fitness activity trackers come in a range of different styles including the following:

  • Basic trackers that clip onto the pocket
  • Fitness bands or bracelets worn on the wrist
  • Exercise watches that combine a digital watch with an activity tracker
  • Expensive trackers worn as a ring

What is the right fitness activity tracker?

There are a few factors that you need to think about when choosing a fitness activity tracker that suits your lifestyle. Think about whether you want a tracker hanging around your wrist at all times or whether you prefer something you can clip onto your pocket or your phone. Perhaps the battery life is an important factor for you. Some trackers have better battery life than others and some may require a daily charge. Think about exactly what you want to track. Perhaps you want to track all aspects of your active life (walking, running, eating, sleeping) or perhaps you want more of a simple pedometer and are happy to just track how many steps you take per day.