Industrial Welding Blankets

Welding Blankets

Welding is a powerful technique that lets you basically stitch metal on to other metal, but the power used to do so isn’t easily contained. Sparks are constantly flying everywhere and all that light and those fumes just aren’t good for you. So you’ve suited up; you’ve got your mask and your jacket and gloves. You’ve got the curtain set up to stop sparks from flying where they’re not wanted but what do you do to protect the thing you’re actually welding on? Hot sparks could cause blemishes even if it’s just metal and if you’re having to weld something that’s, say, partially made of wood you’ve got a problem. So besides all the other stuff there’s also welding blankets, to protect every part of your project that you’re not doing welding on, as well as your welding equipment itself. Historically welding blankets would have been made using asbestos but these days it’s usually fibreglass or specially treated leather.

Welding Safety

Welding is dangerous because it is powerful, and it is powerful because it uses electricity to attach to pieces of metal together securely with relative ease. The sorts of forces in play to do so are rough on a human body though, so be sure to invest in literally all of the protective gear that exists. Don’t think too lightly of welding safety or skimp on safety gear; the last thing you want is to get a serious burn wound, go blind, or have your workplace go up in flames. Besides the gear on your body, it’s a good idea to put up some protection for your environment in the form of welding screens and welding curtains. These will shield anything and anyone from the sparks and UV radiation of the welding itself while also being transparent enough to make it obvious when welding is going on.

Other Welding Gear

One aspect of welding safety is your welding equipment itself. Modern welding gear that’s in good nick will have a lot of first-line safety features to prevent accidental injury. Be sure to invest in good welders, cutters and torches for good safety and good results.