Dog Shampooing & Washing Products

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There’s a dog shampoo to suit every type of dog

Just like you have many choices when selecting a shampoo for your own hair, the same amount of choice is available when you’re choosing a dog shampoo. Like humans, dogs have different types of fur and skin. So you need to choose a dog shampoo that’s suitable for your pet. Also, your dog may have allergies or white fur that’s prone to staining. Regardless of hair and skin type, there’s a dedicated dog shampoo that will suit.

Hypoallergenic dog shampoo

For dogs with sensitive skin that need special skin care, you can choose from one of the many hypoallergenic shampoos available. These shampoos generally contain natural ingredients such as oatmeal, aloe vera gel, avocado oil and jojoba oil. If your dog is prone to scratching because there are irritants in the environment, one of these shampoos should help to soothe their skin.

Whitening dog shampoo

This is perfect if you have a white dog and want to keep its fur looking healthy and shiny. White fur can stain easily, especially if your dog loves playing outside and always seeks out the nearest mud puddle. If you choose a whitening shampoo, you can rest assured your dog will look lovely and white again after its bath.

No-rinse foaming shampoo

A foaming shampoo is ideal if your dog is a bit smelly and you don’t have time to give them a bath or it’s a struggle to wash them. All you have to do is squirt a little of the foam onto your hand and then rub it into your dog’s fur like you would with a normal shampoo. There’s no need to rinse out the foam and your dog will smell nice and clean again.

When it comes to bath time, dogs either love it or hate it. But with the right shampoo, regardless of the fight, your pooch will be looking and smelling amazing. Check out the full range on eBay and find something suitable for your best friend.
