

Today's metronomes aren't the same as they once were. Vintage metronomes you had to wind up to use have been replaced with updated and modern digital metronomes, and today's technology makes it even easier to keep a beat. Available in different types and styles with a variety of features, metronomes are an asset to any musician's arsenal of equipment.


Metronomes come in different designs depending on your personal preference as well as portability. Small, pocket-sized metronomes offer a handheld alternative to standing metronomes and easily fit into your guitar case. Standing metronomes come in different designs, including wooden pieces. Select from digital metronomes or wind-up options, and if you enjoy collecting antique equipment, purchase a vintage metronome that still tunes timelessly and looks beautiful.


Unlike generic musical instrument accessories, metronomes perform a specific function; they help you keep time to the music. However, metronomes also have additional features meant to enhance your experience, including adjustable settings, a headphone jack for private playing and an LCD screen with a backlight for easy viewing. Newer digital metronomes come equipped with multiple rhythms to pick from as well as tap tempos while volume controls enable you to customise how loud sound comes out. Automatic power off means your metronome isn't left on for long periods of time.


Many of the same brands you rely on for high-quality instruments also create musical equipment and accessories, including metronomes. Select a variety of metronome designs from brands like Korg, Planet Waves and Cherub. Pick a brand based on your budget, metronome features or portability. Metronomes range from clip-on models you can keep on your belt loop within easy reach to standing, pyramid-style metronomes that have an old-fashioned look and feel.


Use a piano metronome or drum metronome to keep the beat. Metronomes produce a rhythmic sound that allows you to play against it, keeping perfect time. There are metronomes that create different types of sounds to accompany any instrument, and though you may see metronomes categorised by instrument, you can use any metronome with any instrument, whether it's a guitar or a piano. Metronomes determine the tempo of a piece, and assist musicians with practice sessions.