Rubber Stamps

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When you are bombarded with marking a seemingly endless number of students work, dont run the risk of getting carpal tunnel - instead, invest in some fun teacher stamps. Not only do you save yourself the hassle of having to make individual comments on each pupils paper, but its a creative way to reward them for their hard efforts.

In school, there are plenty of different ways to shower your students with encouragement and support. However, when correcting their homework, sometimes a big tick isnt enough to make them feel valued. By rewarding their schoolwork with something as simple as homework stamps, your pupils will feel valued and appreciated. They may even look forward to receiving their assignments and essays back, eager to see what mark of approval you have put on their paper!

Types of homework stamps

Forget about the unexciting well done! and good try! stamps of yesteryear - theyve come a long way since youve been a student sitting inside a classroom. Now, you can get encouragement stamps that genuinely reflect your thoughts. From neat writing! to love your work! or even words of support such as, you can do it! there are many different ways to express your excitement.

Another type of stamp that you may find useful is a parent signature with a short dotted line. This is a simple and quick way to oversee communication between child and parent, especially when homework needs to be signed off.

Heres to hoping youll never need to use it, but a detention stamp is also another useful item to add to your collection. The red ink will send a strong message to your student that you will not put up with unruly behaviour in your classroom.

With all of these stamps, you can even get them personalised with your name on it to make it more original. When youre looking for school supplies, from homework stamps to collectable pens, or writing instruments, look no further than on eBay. Shop online today to get competitive prices on high--quality teacher classroom gadgets.