Orthotics, Braces & Orthopedic Sleeves

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Orthotics Braces and Orthopedic Sleeves

As Australias population ages, the need for various sleeves and supports is only going to increase. The older people become, the less strength and flexibility they have and the more help they need going about their daily routines. Braces, sleeves, and other orthopedic supports make it easier for people with muscular and joint difficulties to get around under their own power.

Orthopedics and Orthotics

While orthotics and orthopedics are very similar in meaning, they are not identical. In general, orthopedic devices are for prevention and management, while orthotics focus more on support. In both cases, the idea is to give the user the assistance they need to retain as much mobility as possible.

Knee Braces and Sleeves

The big difference between knee orthotics braces and orthopedic sleeves is that the brace essentially provides a substitute knee joint, while the sleeve supports your own knee. Braces include mechanical joints and rods, and often serve to take some of the weight off the wearers own knee. A sleeve, on the other hand, provides support through compression so that the wearers muscles can work more efficiently.

Back Braces and Sleeves

Just as with the knee, people can also take advantage of back orthotics braces and orthopedic sleeves Back braces provide more support overall, but they also limit your movement. Sleeves enable the full range of movement, but do not give the full range of support. In either case, they both help make it easier to maintain proper posture.

Brace and Support Goals

The overall purpose of both orthopedic braces and supports is to manage existing injuries and prevent future problems. By providing additional muscular support, they make it easier to employ proper posture and can also take unnecessary loads off damaged body parts. A good sleeve actually reduces the chance of injury by providing the support your muscles need to work at full efficiency.
