Guitar & Bass Cables & Leads

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Guitar and Bass Cables

Whether you are a veteran guitarist, or are just picking up the instrument for the first time, there are a handful of additional items that you will likely want to have on hand in order to have the best playing experience possible. Guitar bass and cables are one of these items. However, there are a number of characteristics that you will want to take into consideration before making your first cable purchase. Then you will be well on your way to high-quality guitar sounds.

Why Buy Guitar and Bass Cables

There are a few main reasons why you might opt to buy guitar and bass cablesu001athe biggest one being that the cables allow you to connect your instrument into a number of other devices. Some of the most popular and useful ones are guitar amplifiers, which work with your instrument to produce a high-quality sound at a significantly higher decibel. You might also use guitar and bass cables to connect to a tuner or pedals, or any number of other pieces of equipment.

Guitar and Bass Cable Lengths

One of the biggest factors you will want to consider with your potential new guitar and bass cables is how long the cables will actually be. This will largely depend on the use that you will have for the cable. If you will need it to reach, say, across a stage or room to an amplifier, you might opt for a longer cable, such as one from 3 to 6 metres. But if the cable will only need to reach from your instrument to, say, a pedal, it need not be longer than a metre. Cables come in just about any length that you may need.

Guitar and Bass Cables by Fit

Yet another factor that is highly important is what type of instrument the cable will be used for, as each cables connector can vary. If you will be using a type of electric guitar, you will need a cable that is made to specially work with electric guitars. These are not to be confused with electric acoustic guitars, which require their own particular type of cable as well. And finally, if your instrument of choice is a bass guitar, a cable for just bass guitars will be necessary.

Other Guitar Accessories

Once you have found the perfect cable or cables for your guitar and bass playing needs, there are dozens of other pieces of guitar equipment that can further enhance your playing experience. Guitar picks are probably one of the most frequently needed accessories, as are extra strings. Cases are particularly important as well, as they help protect your instrument from any hazards that might come during transport. Straps, tuners and stands are great to have on hand as well, all adding up to a stellar guitar or bass performance.
