Snooker, Pool & Billiards Cues

Snooker, Pool, and Billiards Cues

Whether you’re taking the final shot or breaking the first, you’re at the mercy of your cue. It needs to be straight, the tip even. More than that, it needs to match you as a player. Length, material and diameter all come together to either form a cue stick that’s either perfect for you or one which will fight you with every shot.

As If On Cue

Length is the most immediately obvious factor that will determine a cue’s suitability. A stick that’s too long or short for the player isn’t going to work; it will be awkward to use and you won’t be able to reach shots you should be able to make. Diameter is also important: the cue should fit comfortably into your hands for optimal control of every movement. Cues are often made from hardwood like maple, although all sorts of hardwood can be used, and some even use two or more different kinds to create a cue unique in both handling and looks. Other factors such as the length of the taper and the type of grip also come into play as well as deciding upon one- or two-piece cues.

The Case for Carrying

Once you’ve got your cue picked out, you’ll need to figure out how to get it to and from your games. There’s two types of cue case: soft and hard. The hard cases will protect your cue better, which should definitely be your priority if you have a cue that you’ve invested a lot in. Soft cases are easier and more comfortable to sling over your shoulder though, and are more suitable for people who are still practicing, as well as young people, as they’ll one day outgrow their cue sticks in a literal and figurative sense. Alternatively, a good cue and ball rack will let you store cues and balls on-site. This is also helpful if you’ve just got a table in your basement or garage for a few games with mates now and then.

The Rest of the Game

The cue isn’t the only thing that will affect your performance on the table. The felt cloth of the table itself needs to be in good condition as well, as a damaged cloth can ruin even a professional player’s game. Be sure to frequently replace the snooker, pool, and billairds table cloth.