Boxing & Martial Arts Strike Pads & Mitts

Boxing and Martial Arts Strike Pads and Mitts

Whether you’re into fitness training, martial arts or just exercise, you’ve likely seen the different kinds of pads used in gyms and training studios. Many of these are stationary, either for protection from the hard floor and walls or simply for kicking and punching practice. Such equipment only takes you so far, however; if you really want the full experience and benefits of a martial workout, then you need strike pads and strike mitts.


A kick bag or punching bag is great, but only takes you so far. They don’t provide an intelligent target, nor can they react to you as you train. A coach or assistant with the right gear can move and adjust to your personal level of skill, energy and reach so that you get a more realistic workout session.

Training Critical

If you’re practising kickboxing, mixed martial arts and similar for self-defence, you probably already know that a real opponent won’t stand still at the same height and angle while you pound away at them! To move beyond rote manoeuvres, you’ll need to work with something that shifts positions and makes you actively apply your knowledge and training. That’s where strike pads come in!

More Fun

It’s more engaging to train with a dynamic target, too. Once you’ve strapped on your Martial arts gloves or boxing gloves and are ready to spar, you’ll probably get bored quick with a simple kicking bag. It doesn’t dodge, duck, weave or respond to you, so it can only provide so much entertainment. Chasing a mobile strike mitt or strike pad with a friend or workout buddy does more than challenge you; it also helps to keep you interested.


Lots of people pursue martial arts of all sorts for the thrill of competition, and that’s perfectly fine. For many others, however, the real reward lies in the sense of camaraderie you build when you train at a gym with classmates or at a dojo with fellow students. As with any hobby or interest about which you’re passionate, you can find a community that welcomes and supports you. Part of that is in building teamwork, and there are few better ways to start than to have someone holding your target and helping you to build your skills!