Trekking & Walking Sticks

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Achieve greater heights with trekking and walking sticks

Being outdoors and at one with the elements is a wonderful experience. Leave the city behind, commune with nature, feel the sunshine on your skin and the breeze on your face, and deeply breath in that fresh, fresh air. Thanks to the extensive range of trekking poles and walking sticks available here on eBay, and the flexibility of online shopping, you dont need to break stride when finding the set to suit your next adventure.

Explore the features of trekking and walking sticks

The first thing to consider is whether you want a single or double set of poles. A single pole leaves your other hand free, while double poles will give you even, constant support. Youll want a pole that suits your arm height. Pretend youre holding a pole with your elbow at a 90 degrees angle to your body. Measure from the ground to your fist. Thats how long your pole needs to be.

Additional features to consider include whether you want trekking sticks that are adjustable, can be folded away, and whether they have shock absorption. Adjustable poles will also allow you to adjust the sticks as you go up or down steep inclines. Youll want to shorten them for moving uphill and increase the height for going down hill. Ultra lightweight poles will also help you keep moving without feeling like youre dragging around a pair of weights. Some trekking and walking sticks even include a camera mount to turn them into a handy monopod.

While youre considering the type of trekking and walking sticks that fit into your lifestyle, dont hesitate to check out the full range of hiking equipment, including the range of hiking map covers. Whatever the trekking and walking sticks to suit you, youre sure to rustle up something great with the options available right here on eBay today.
