Television VHS Tapes

Television VHS Tapes

Step back in time and save your favourite shows on VHS tapes. While not as popular as it once was, the VCR is still a quality product that delivers recordings perfect for a movie night at home. Record your must-watch TV shows on blank cassettes or watch something you already recorded.

Vintage TV at Its Best

Everybody has that one show that reminds them of their childhood. Be it a show from the 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's, it's nice to sit back and remember a simpler time when all you had to worry about was being home on the night your show aired. Eventually, you could buy a bulky but statement-making boxed set. Grab a snack, get comfy on the sofa, and watch your TV shows on VHS tape.

Pick What You Want to Record

Blank VHS tapes and television accessories let you record whatever you feel the need to save. Pop in the tape, press record, and you are all set. If you have to be away, you can always set the timer on your VCR to start at a specific time.

Recording Times

Available recording times vary depending on the speed setting and type of VHS blank tape you have. The three speeds available are SP, LP, and EP. The picture and sound quality are good on the LP and EP setting, but it won't be as clear and sharp as if you used the SP mode. In the Standard Play mode, a T-120 VHS cassette will record for 2 hours, T-160 is good for 2 hours and 40 minutes, and T-180 does 3 hours. Extended Play allows for the most time of the three modes. Set it to EP and record on a T-120 for 6 hours, T-140 for 8 hours, and T-180 for 9 hours.

Adapter for Smaller Cassettes

Smaller compact camcorder cassette tapes will not play on a standard VCR. Don't let that stop you from using your video recorder. With a VHS-C to VHS, Cassette adaptor turns that compact cassette into a standard size VHS tape.