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Shop Wigs and Hairpieces

Wigs and hairpieces are a fast, convenient, and discreet way to make your hair look fuller and longer in no time at all. Hairpieces can also provide some with an extra boost of confidence for special events and important occasions like job interviews and weddings. They also come in handy when you want to change your look frequently or create a unique, red-carpet look for a special event.

Are Men's and Women's Lace Front Wigs Similar?

Although the styles and shapes may differ, the lace front wig has the same benefits for men and women. The lace falls over the top of your forehead, creating a look that resembles a natural hairline. Some lace front wigs require a dash of adhesive to remain in place. Other wigs, such as the temple-to-temple style, fall naturally over the top of your forehead without the need for adhesive.

Different Types of Wigs

There are a many different types of wigs. The sheer number of them can make choosing the right one confusing. Wigs differ in both material and the way in which the cap fits. Knowing the differences can make the decision easier. The most common types of wigs are:

  • Full lace: Constructed from a lace cap that covers the whole head, a full lace wig includes a strip of stretch lace over the top of the crown to allow for movement, such as hair growth, underneath and variations of head size. Because of its ability to move, full lace is ideal for covering bald spots or thinning hair. Full lace lasts longer than its counterpart, front lace. Full lace wigs are also great if you want to wear it in a high ponytail or an updo for a special occasion.
  • Lace front: Lace fronts have a small, sheer lace panel along the front hairline that is attached to the front of the wig. The strands are hand sewn into the holes. Lace front wigs are very simple to wear because they stretch to cover the entire scalp area with a natural-looking hair style.
  • Monofilament: Monofilament material is a blend of fine lace, nylon, and mesh. For anyone with a sensitive scalp, monofilament wigs are a fantastic choice. Monofilament materials pick up the colour of the scalp of the person wearing it. Monofilament wigs provide a natural look regardless of how you part your hair. It will always look like the hair is coming out of your own hair follicles.
  • Synthetic costume: Wigs made with synthetic costume hair are generally less expensive than wigs made from human hair. While they are inexpensive and fun, they don’t have a long lifespan. You also cannot use hot styling tools on synthetic costume wigs unless you have special tools or buy a “heat safe” wig. They must also be cared for much differently than real hair. These wigs are best for people with short or medium length hair.
  • Human hair: High-quality wigs are typically made with human hair. A human hair wig provides the most natural look. It is also the most expensive type of wig. However, since it is made from real hair, it can be styled, cut, or even dyed. Human hair wigs must be shampooed and conditioned since they are made from real hair. There are two major types of human hair wigs:

Remy refers to a product collected directly from a human donor, typically a single donor, resulting in consistent texture. Remy is also referred to as cuticle, cut, or virgin. The hair is not chemically treated, and its roots and tips run in the same direction. This makes the product receptive to dye, so you can change the product's hue and highlights, cut it, and style it. Remy comes from all over the world, and the product's title often identifies its origin. Yaki indicates a texture evoking Afro-Caribbean hair. As a result, Yaki Remy is not uncommon, but Yaki may also be a high-quality artificial material treated to feel real. Deciding on one is entirely a matter of preference.

How to Care for Your Wig

When it comes to caring for your wig, many things need to be considered: storing, cleaning, and the ability to style your wig. You should store your wig on a wig stand in a clean place, away from high humidity, excessive heat, and dust. Except when traveling, don't store your wig in a box or a plastic bag. Cleaning your wig depends on whether it is synthetic or real hair. Let’s start with real hair. When you have a wig made with real hair, you take care of it as you would your own hair. It should be washed and conditioned on a regular basis. Much like the hair on your head, the wig could be damaged by excess use of heat products. To keep your human hair wig fresh and fierce:

  • Fill a large bowl or small basic sink with cool water.
  • Add 1 to 2 ounces of human hair wig shampoo to the water.
  • Soak your wig in this solution for roughly three to five minutes.
  • Gently swish the hair around for about a minute. Use a clean toothbrush and a bit of hand soap to scrub any cosmetic buildup out of the hairline. Remove the hair and blot it with a clean towel to remove excess water.
  • Dry it under a bonnet dryer, or let it air dry. Follow the same instructions for synthetic wigs, except use a shampoo formulated to clean synthetic hair.

To care for a synthetic wig:

  • Detangle it before you do anything else. Do this with a wide-tooth comb. Do not pull hard from the roots. Start at the ends and gently work through any tangles or snarls.
  • After detangling it, fill a bowl with cold water. You should never use hot water to wash a synthetic wig because the heat can damage it.
  • After you use cold water to wet the synthetic wig, use a small amount of shampoo and gently clean the wig. Do not scrunch the hair together as you would wash your own real hair in the shower. That can create more tangles and make it difficult to keep the wig in good shape.
  • Rinse the shampoo using clean, cold water.
  • You can use a very small amount of conditioner in the synthetic hair. Remember to rinse it with clean, cold water.
  • Towel dry the wig.
  • Once the wig is fully dry, you may then style the wig without using heat tools.

Do You Have to Wear a Cap Underneath?

A wig cap comes in handy if you have long hair. It keeps your tresses contained, eliminating rogue "bumps" that make styles look uneven. You can also comb or brush your long hair to distribute it evenly and then pin it flat. For shorter hair, simply comb or brush your hair and tuck it behind your ears.

Other Important Questions about Wigs and Hair Pieces

What’s the most natural looking wig? The most natural looking wigs are made from human hair and have a full lace front.
What’s the difference between a wig and a toupee? A wig is meant to cover the whole head. A toupee is meant to cover baldness or thin hair at the top of the head.
How do you get a wig to stay on? There are several ways to get a wig to stay on your head. The most popular ways include using a wig grip band (which can be used whether you have your own hair or not), wig caps (which can be used whether you have your own hair or not), wig grip caps (which can be used whether you have your own hair or not), metal wig clips (which require you to have your own hair to secure the wig), double-sided tape (which is best used for individuals who don’t have their own hair), sure grip gel bands (which can be used whether you have your own hair or not), wig glue (best used by individuals without hair), and bobby pins (which require you to have your own hair).

How do I choose a wig that compliments the shape of my face? Face shape is important when it comes to choosing the right wig style.

  • Oblong faces have a long, narrow bone structure. Wigs with soft curls, waves, and bangs of some sort can help make your face look fuller. Don’t get one-length cuts or wigs with short layers that make more volume at the top of the head.
  • Pear shapes have a narrow forward and a wider jaw. Look for wigs that add volume at the crown. Layered looks that are great, including shag hairstyles.
  • Heart shaped faces include a wider forehead and a narrow chin. Look for wigs that bring volume near the chin. Bangs are also a great look, too. Pageboy wigs are a great option, but you should avoid super short hair or choppy layers.
  • Diamond shaped faces have narrow chins and foreheads with wide cheekbones. Wigs in a bob hairstyle work well when they have bangs to help cover the forehead and to bring more fullness toward the chin.
  • Square face shapes have a wide hairline and jaw. Look for wigs that create more length in the face. Curly wigs that are mid-length or longer work well.
  • Round faces work well with geometric or linear styles in wigs. Volume is great! Long sides can make the cheeks appear narrower, too.
  • Oval faces are longer than they are wide and they have a jaw that is narrower than the cheekbones. People with oval faces can successfully wear practically any hairstyle, length, or texture!

Can you sleep in a wig? Technically, you can sleep in a wig, but that isn’t a good idea because it reduces how long your wig will last. This is because your pillow creates friction on the wig that causes damage such as split ends and tangling.