Commercial Coffee & Espresso Grinders

Commercial Coffee Grinders

If you drink a lot of coffee or are looking to start a small business that features freshly made coffee, a commercial coffee grinder is an essential piece of equipment for your kitchen. href="">Commercial coffee equipment is an investment that can ultimately save you time and money, not to mention increasing the quality of your coffee

Why Use a Commercial Grinder

Coffee beans start to deteriorate as soon as they are cut. Pre-ground beans will simply not have the same flavour and strength of freshly ground beans. The size of the grind has further impact on the taste and how the coffee can be used, and true coffee experts will say that even the climate has an impact on how coarse or fine you should grind the beans. A commercial coffee grinder allows the barista to adjust the size of the grind, and only grind enough for a single use.

How to Get the Best Coffee

A commercial coffee grinder can help you to achieve consistently excellent coffee. Starting with fresh roasted coffee beans that have been stored in an airtight container, measure the amount you want for a single serve. Consistent measurement helps achieve consistent cups of coffee. Selecting the correct grind for your brewing method is next. A coarse grind is usually used for percolators and french press brewers, medium grind for flat-bottomed drip makers and finely ground coffee beans are used in conical-shaped drip makers. Turkish coffee requires a grind so fine it resembles a powder.

Choosing Your Grinder

Coffee grinders come in two basic types: blades or burrs. Blades are relatively inexpensive, and chop up the beans. They might work for people who only rarely grind coffee, but using blade grinders can make it difficult to quickly achieve consistently ground coffee. Most commercial coffee grinders use burrs. The beans fall between two burrs that grind them into a precise consistency that is set by the user. Because the settings are adjustable, a burr grinder can be used to make coffee grounds for any type of brewing method. They’re also faster and easier to use, able to produce a large quantity of grind very quickly.

Commercial Coffee Accessories

If you have chosen to use a commercial coffee grinder, there are a few other commercial coffee accessories you should consider purchasing. Coffee tampers are used in coffee machines to to compress the grinds and a milk thermometer allows you to heat the milk to your preferred temperature.