I bought this camera to replace my faithful old K10d, which suffered an unfortunate tumble onto a concrete floor which shattered the casing. Note that the K10d and K20d are physically identical, and that Pentax also produce these cameras for the Samsung brand - the GX-10 and GX-20 are the equivalent Samsung models. It had been around the world with me - rain, wind, sand... stuffed into backpacks, balanced on walls, strapped to palm trees... and had taken more than 10,000 pictures. The K20d continues the same ruggedness and reliability that make the K10d so special, and adds to that a larger sensor and a live view mode. The latter is pretty poor - it's nothing like you get on the latest models these days, but it's useful in certain situations. But the basics of this camera are brilliant - the size is just right for man hands; the body has some real heft to it which makes it feel substantial and solid; all major controls are readily accessible and intuitive, and the top/ viewfinder displays are comprehensive and perfectly adequate, particularly with backlighting. Up to ISO1600 the sensor is relatively noise-free... and even at 3200 (with an F1.4 prime) I've had many compliments on the quality of the images I've captured in extremely poorly-lit bars and venues. Pentax-branded (and Samsung branded) lenses are high quality, but not that easy to find... you can't use the ubiquitous Canon and Nikon lenses with the Pentax's mount. I could ramble on for days about this camera as I truly love it, but I'd say that this camera, with the standard kit lenses and a decent prime is an amazing mid-range setup for an aspiring photographer. These days you can get more sophisticated cameras, which are smaller and more intuitive, for similar money or less. But like all substantial relationships in life, the bond you form with your faithful camera transcends its specs - it's about usability and reliability in the field - and this is where this camera really excels.Read full review
A great, well-featured camera that does everything you could want from a pro-sumer SLR. In body stabilisation means that every lens is now a stabilised lens. K-mount means that most Pentax lenses, even Pentax and Ricoh film camera lenses will fit and work. The ability to record in both RAW and jpeg simultaneously, in-built flash and "user" mode are key features which, combined with its 14.6MP resolution convinced me to buy this camera second hand verses a more recent camera brand new. Fully customisable jog wheels give you fast access to the most commonly adjusted parameters while shooting. The large (for it's class) viewfinder is crystal clear and work extremely well in low light. 11-point selectable autofocus in a well thought out pattern means there's almost always one where you want it. "Green Mode" works well enough that even technophobes can take reasonable photos with this camera straight out of the box.Read full review
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