Fertility & Ovulation Testing Supplies

Fertility Monitors and OPKs

Figuring out when is the best time to conceive isn't always straightforward. If you are ready to have a baby, but you have been trying for a while with no success or if your periods are irregular, you can maximise your chances of getting pregnant with a fertility monitor. This device can take a lot of the guesswork out of the equation so you can better identify times you are fertile.

Key Features

To see a positive sign on your pregnancy test quicker, choose a digital monitor that can help you track your fertility by testing your urine. Some key features to look for in a fertility monitor include the way the device can measure your hormones, as well as the ability to track other information, such as your fertile times for the last few cycles and the days when you had intercourse.

Disposable Sticks

Fertility monitors and OPKs use disposable sticks that you pee on and then insert into the device to find out whether you are at a fertile time in your cycle. Most branded and fertility monitors and OKPs come with disposable sticks to last you for a couple of months, but you can also buy them separately if you run out.

Thermometer Monitors

Besides fertility monitors that tell you when you are fertile with the help of your urine, you can also opt for thermometer monitors that work by tracking your basal body temperature, which is generally higher around the time of ovulation. These fertility monitors work with a thermometer that you need to place in your vagina to get the results.

Touchscreen and Apps

Some fertility monitors come with a touchscreen so you can easily navigate through your summary charts. Others are compatible with iOS or Android apps, so you can get all your history and current data straight to your smartphone.