Reading Lights

Reading Lights

Revisit the saga of Tim Winton's Cloudstreet in paperback or on your e-reader or tablet without troubling a soul by the glow of a reading light. A blessing for bookworms who never want to be parted from those written words, reading lights make the page easier to read by casting light as bright as the day on your chosen material and not the surroundings. They also reduce eyestrain and do not damage your sight.

Reading Light Types

With a 40,000 hour lifespan, cool, energy-efficient LED lights last and last, offering bright white light in a range of cool temperatures. Read in bed comfortably with the clip-on light, while the Kobo and Kindle reading lights are customised to your e-reader for easy reading on the go.

Reading Light Features

Contemplate the type of features that are certain to make your reading experience a most pleasant one, such as elimination or reduction of the bothersome glare, and using a dimmer switch to fine-tune the level of light to the content you're reading. While a flexible body adjusts the lighting angle to give better coverage, a solid base keeps it from tipping over. Compact, travel-ready and foldable reading lights easily go wherever you do, be that a camping site, the neighbouring city or country, or the office. Smart features, such as magnification, enlarge text to enhance reading for those with weak eyes, while a USB Bluetooth speaker entertains you with soft music as you flip through the pages of a magazine.

Tips to Protect Your Vision

Experts recommend keeping your handheld devices, books, magazines and e-readers about 40 centimetres away from your eyes, and a computer screen an arm's length away, which translates to between 50 and 100 centimetres. If you often stare at the computer screen or readers for many hours, use soft light that has no glare and blink frequently to reduce cornea dryness. In addition, keeping your body in a relaxed position while reading, occasionally turning away from your reading to rest your eyes and taking a break every 30 minutes to one hour helps to reduce eye strain.