Airbrush Tanning Systems & Kits

Add some colour to your skin with airbrush tanning kits from eBay

Tanning products have been a popular way of creating bronze skin tone within a matter of minutes. With tanning supplies, including airbrush tanning kits, from eBay, you can skip the expensive tanning salons and give yourself a tan in the privacy of your own home.

Quick and easy to use, airbrush tanning kits provide both salons and at-home tanners with the ability to control who bronze you want to be with customised shades of a beautiful, streak-free finish.

Airbrush tanning kits can provide everyone with UV-free and professional-looking results without the risk of the sun’s harmful effects of the sun.

Airbrush or spray on tanning?

Airbrush tanning is the first choice for many, with some Hollywood celebrities even preferring it to the spray-on method. That’s because you can use the airbrush to apply the tanning solution evenly, giving special attention to areas like thighs and abs to eliminate tan lines and provide definition.

Basic tanning instructions

Begin the application process by working up from the feet in small sections, back and forth from side to side. Remove any excess solution from areas like the underarms, behind the knees, and the elbows.

Wait a few hours afterwards before washing the tanning solution off to allow the colour to develop properly and to avoid any streaks. After showering, gently pat yourself dry rather than drying normally and to ensure your new tan stays looking fresh and golden, make sure you use a body lotion or moisturiser.

Airbrush tanning kits are fun to use, yet they also still deliver outstanding, professional results. Check out the range on eBay today.