Lawn Edgers

Maintain A Tidy Lawn With Top Selling Lawn Edgers

A well-manicured lawn can give your home an upscale appearance and even raise property values. It’s no wonder that many homeowners go extra lengths to help keep their garden looking tidy. Keeping grass cut short is a good start, but proper landscaping and lawn edging are good steps to take as well. 

Lawn edger buying guide

Edging is a lot of work without proper lawn edgers to do the job, so you want to take your time and make sure you choose the right edger for your purpose. Here’s what you need to know:

Edger types

Carefully choose between corded electric edgers, battery-powered edgers and petrol powered lawn edgers when selecting a product. When shopping on eBay you’ll also have the option of a walk-behind edger or a handheld unit that you carry around your garden.

What is the difference between a lawn trimmer and edger?

Lawn edgers are designed to cut edges and create boundary lines. On the other hand, string trimmers are designed to maintain those boundary lines once they have been created by the lawn edger. They work together to create a stunning garden.

Blade size

You need to look closely at the edger blade and how large it is. Most edgers have a metal blade that spins vertically and can cut through roots and thick grass. Since these tools are more powerful than trimmers, they are bigger and made to be more stable on the ground.

Larger blades go through longer stretches of lawn at one time, but they can be more costly to maintain over time. 

Are lawn edgers worth it?

If you want to keep your lawn looking great, you need to keep the grass cut, and the weeds trimmed (or removed). There are some spots in the garden where the mower won’t reach. In that case, an edger is the best way to make a clear line between your lawn and your garden beds. If you buy an edger, you should edge your lawn once a month, as long as the soil is dry. And if you do this, your pristine garden will certainly be worth the investment.

How deep should you edge your lawn?

Be careful not to go deeper than around 2 inches and watch out for underground pipes and cables. This depth may appear to be arbitrary; nonetheless, it is a depth reached by most power edgers and is typically enough for limiting root spread.

How to use a lawn edger tool?

  1. Mow the grass so you can see how short or long you’ll need to edge the grass along your garden beds or walkways.
  2. If it’s your first-time edging and you’re moving off obvious pathways, mark out with tape where you are going to use the edger.
  3. Get your gardening gloves and safety goggles on. This will help prevent grass and pollen getting in your eyes.
  4. Make sure you know where any electrical wires, plumbing pipes, or other buried dangers are before you start digging. 
  5. Turn the trimmer's head 180 degrees so that it is vertical, and the deflector shield is facing towards you. Walk on the hard surface, keep your arms straight, engage your core, and move your body slowly while keeping the string trimmer level. 
  6. When done, double check for any rough edges that need a further tidy up.


How to sharpen lawn edger blade

If the blade on your edger has started to dull, you don’t have to go out and buy a new machine. You can sharpen the blade itself by using a bench grinder or an angle grinder – these are the most efficient methods for sharpening the blade of a lawn edger. 

Start your online shopping today

Look at the options and upgrade your tool collection today. Select lawn edgers that match your lawn space well and enjoy an efficient tool to maintain your space. Along with an edger, you’ll want to invest in grass shears as well as a mulcher to keep your home looking neat. You’ll find branded or unbranded edgers available. You can save by shopping on eBay and selecting items that are protected by the Best Price Guarantee. This guarantee helps make sure you can shop with confidence that you’re getting the best deal.