Floyd 2016 Japanese limited editions reject USA pressings?
Looks pretty with all the OBI Strip and extra booklets, nice to look at
I can not believe how bad this remaster is...not subtle differences..it is flat
all the dynamics compressed out it..and the quality of the actual pressing is
garbage..So depressingly poor...why would floyd do this?
Played my 1979 USA copy so much better...this is not subtle cork sniffer difference
it is amazing dynamic and importantly properly pressed!
WTF! this is Floyd??
Also got the Dark side Japanese Remaster...same rubbish too.
What is going on??
Still nice to have all the extra packaging, but this is not anywhere near a good listen!
Have our standards slipped? Or have all the good vinyl cutting skills gone? (Rogers New Albums sound amazing...so maybe not)
Or....as these are really USA remaster repackaged with the Japanese cool stuff,
are these the reject pressings from the USA? I will need to check the Europe and USA remasters to confirm...not sure I can be bothered...but for science...still love the Floyd..it is a great album deserves much better cut...