The towers were new and shipped in a timely fashion well packaged. Overall a good deal. The seller warns the buyer to check with Yakima for fitment. Well, that didn’t work because Yakima has changed the SKU from 8000146 (this item) to 8000162 (current on Yakima website). The UPC is the same. Luckily verified in a Q&A that these two SKUs are one and the same. The seller would improve their listing by providing all equivalent SKU numbers especially since they specify No returns.
the_card_company (3470)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended.
s***o (253)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
awesome seller , fast shipping, ty
papago4 (2737)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended.
simicards (20791)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended.
simicards (20791)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Good buyer, prompt payment, valued customer, highly recommended.