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Greetings and welcome to Samuels Shop USA. My name is Samuel. And I am interested in building a positive healthy relationship with my customers, and fellow eBayers. Thanks for taking the time to consider my offerings, and God bless.
Location: United StatesMember since: 16 August 2016
Reviews (9)
Samsung XE513C24-K01US Chromebook Plus 2-in-1 12.3" QHD Touch 2.0 GHz 4GB 32GB
25 June 2018
Just what I needed
All I needed is a small light weight laptop to do basic tasks. Writing and internet browsing. That boots up fast. I have a custom PC to do all the heavy stuff. And it takes time to boot. Along with lacking portability. It's a shame the places the retail outlets other than Best buy with Google salespeople. Criminally overlook the usefulness of Chromebooks, largely due to poor tech knowledge. And looking for the big sale, instead of meeting the customer actual needs. One of the main selling points is the 3:2 display. Shame the new V2 doesn't have it. The 3:2 gives more real estate to work and helps with weight distribution. I also brought this fairly cheap. The beauty is if I lose it or my chromebook breaks. Everything is cloud based to my google email. So I just need to buy another chromebook to get right back where I left off. Meaning I am actually comfortable taking my samsung chromebook outside my house. If you already have a nice PC/Mac desktop. Consider having this chromebook if you are shopping for something small and portable. That offers good screen size. And for light tasks. You won't regret it if you are in that consumer demographic of the tech market. Security is also top notch. Even if a web tab is compromised, the damage should be limit to just that tab. And not pass over to your other tasks. As Chrome OS unlike Windows per se. Was build from the beginning from the ground up, with modern day security issues in mind.
6 of 6 found this helpful
Garden of Life RAW PROTEIN Vanilla 22 oz. Vegan Protein
17 October 2017
Strong Vanilla taste that blends well with other flavors
Tastes good even with just water. Although I personally use this powder to sneak in more Kale and Spinach into my diet. To help cleanse my body and reduce inflammation. Along with frozen fruits. Cause who doesn't enjoy the satisfaction of consuming more antioxidants through tasty fruits.
1 of 1 found this helpful
New Shaver/Razor Head Replacement For Philips Norelco RQ11 RQ1150 RQ1160 RQ1180
28 September 2017
Not very good
Its a decent quality. Better off forking up the extra bucks for the real thing.