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Location: CanadaMember since: 02 September 2006
Reviews (4)
10 November 2008
Great Real-Time Strategy game for beginners
This is a great game for people who are new to the RTS world of gaming and a must-have for LOTR fans. The "easy" mode (there are 3 levels of difficulty) of the game is slow-paced enough for even the complete newbie/casual gamer and stay that way. No need to keep clicking constantly just to stay alive :P Other RTS games like Warcraft III are also great but can get difficult pretty quickly and require you to constantly click (training units, upgrading, building, etc). However, hard-core gamers might find it "too easy" aka boring but who knows!
0 of 1 found this helpful
10 November 2008
Great for someone new to RTS (real time strategy) games
If you're new to RTS games, consider getting this strategy guide. Not only does it guide you step-by-step through each of the missions, it also gives you strategy tips that can carry across other RTS games and not just LOTR: BTME Knowing each unit's weaknesses/strengths can also give you the upper hand in the missions + help you in multiplayer games
28 September 2006
Awesome Game and Graphics
A great improvement to the second installment of the warcraft series. Cinematics and Graphics are much better and overall gameplay is totally improved. A must for all warcraft/starcraft fans. The addition of heroes make this game even more interesting and unpredictable perfect game if you: - don't have a lot of time on your hands to commit long hours - don't want to pay a monthly fee
1 of 2 found this helpful