Motorcycle Tank Pads


Find the perfect motorcycle tank protector

When you’ve got all of your heavy-duty motorcycle gear on, there are a lot of parts that can scratch and damage your fuel tank. Zips on your pants and heavy Rossi motorcycle boots are a perfect example. If you want to keep your bike looking great and also maintain some resale value, the best thing you can buy is some motorcycle tank pads. These motorcycle tank protectors are available from great brands such as Ducati, Oxford and Keiti, as well as plenty of unbranded items that look great and have a lower price tag.

eBay makes it easy to find the tank pads you need, and you can even get them in all different colours to match your bike’s design. They’re easy to apply, with most of them simply sticking onto your bike, and you can say goodbye to scratches all over your tank.

Different types of tank protectors

eBay is your home for all the motorbike gear you need, and it’s easy to get what you need. However, the hardest part is deciding which type of tank pads you want for your bike. They come in all shapes and designs, and here are some of the popular ones: 

  • Knee grips
  • 3D tank pad stickers
  • Carbon fibre pads
  • Rubber traction pads

The main thing you’ll need to consider is the shape and size. Most tank pads are made for certain bikes, however there are plenty of universal ones too. The choice is yours, but the great thing is they look great on your bike, give it some added protection, and they also prevent your knees from slipping around while riding. 

Match to your motorcycle make and model

The important thing to remember when buying tank pads is that not all of them will fit your unique bike. Because all bikes are shaped differently, so are the fuel tanks. This means the area where your legs would normally bump up against the tank will vary from bike to bike.

If you choose a universal tank pad, just make sure the sizing is accurate for your tank. Otherwise, look for pads specially made for your bike, and you can’t go wrong!