Other Wallpaper & Accessories

Get decorating with wallpaper & wallpaper accessories

Wallpapering can be an expensive and time-consuming job. With quality wallpaper and accessories, you can take some of the stress out of decorating. Whether you need playful prints for the kids' bedroom or sophisticated patterns for the master or guest bedroom, there's a type of paper for you along with the best tools to get it stuck up.

Shop by design

The rustic look is bang on trend. However, most of us don't have beautiful, natural feature walls in our home. So, let's create one. Achieve a wonderful look with exposed brick or realistic timber panel wallpaper. Wood and brick effects are available in a range of designs and can add a truly remarkable style to your room. You can even shop for bookcase effect paper if you wish or other wallpaper murals to suit your tastes.

If you're after something more modern and elegant, there are a range of styles to suit. Try out a marble effect paper for your kitchen or a luxurious, alfresco palm leaf paper for your bathroom or bedroom if you want to feel a sprinkle of nature in your home. The possibilities really are endless.

Shop by fit

To take away the hassle of pasting and brushing, some wallpapers are now self-adhesive. This will drastically cut down the amount of time you'll have to spend wallpapering. You will still need tools to avoid lumps and bumps, but there is no paste involved! This type of wallpaper is essentially a wall sticker. Less mess, less hassle.

The downside to this method is that the adhesive can slowly lose its stickiness and start peeling over time.

Accessories & tools

Wallpaper tools are a fundamental part of fitting your paper and achieving a smoother finish. Shop here for quality paste, rollers, scissors, wallpaper brushes and just about anything you could need when fitting your wallpaper. Orbital scorers, the right knife, removal rollers and seam rollers for smoothing, you can have it covered.