Bamboo Fill Bed Pillows


Bamboo pillows

Your pillow is just as vital to getting a good night’s sleep as your mattress. Without the right pillow firmness, structure and material, you’ll be tossing and turning all night. Bamboo pillows are a great pillow option. They are made from a natural fibre, and are good at wicking away heat and moisture. 

What is a bamboo pillow?

Bamboo is a type of fast-growing grass. Bamboo pillows contain a memory foam or bamboo fill encased in a thick lining that is made from bamboo-derived fibres. A bamboo pillow might sound like an unusual choice. But rest assured, a bamboo pillow is perfectly plush, whilst offering support for your head and neck. It strikes a balance between luxurious softness and practical durability. 

What makes bamboo pillows so special?

Bamboo is naturally soft and breathable, without sacrificing durability. But there is much more to bamboo pillows than meets the eye.

  • Many people claim that bamboo and bamboo pillows are hypoallergenic. If you suffer from allergies, you may be less likely to react to a bamboo pillow. That means less sniffling and more sleeping through the night.
  • Bamboo naturally wicks away moisture and heat, so you can have a comfortable, healthy night’s sleep. The hollow interior of bamboo fibre absorbs water and releases heat that would otherwise be trapped in the pillow. This keeps your head cooler, and prevents the formation of mould and accumulation of sweat.

You can shop even more fabulous pillows, like side sleeper pillows and down pillows, on eBay today.