Bird Spikes Other Weed & Pest Control

Bird Spikes

Whether you have a house or an office building, a garden or a garage, weed and pest control supplies are often required. One way to deal with unwanted birds and other climbing animals are bird spikes. These are strips of spiky material that can be screwed onto, or glued to, any flat surface. They are a humane way to prevent larger birds from landing and possibly nesting in an area. If you have ever looked up at a building and noticed nests, dirt and bird droppings, you can be certain there are no spikes in use. Some people also use bird spikes to hinder rats, feral cats and other unwanted climbing animals.


Usually made of stainless steel, bird spikes can also be found in polycarbonate form. Bird spikes made out of plastic can be less visible than stainless steel if appearance is a concern. Of course, stainless steel bird spikes withstand all sorts of weather, while plastic materials may degrade faster.


Make sure to measure the size of the area on which you want to prevent birds from landing. Birds will land anywhere these spikes are not. If you have a ledge 20 cm wide, you need spike strips that are at least 20 cm wide. If you use a 10 cm wide spike strip, you will have birds landing anyway.

Caring for Bird Spikes

Even if you have purchased the right bird spikes size and covered your area appropriately, you still need to care for the spikes. Small birds may find the spikes to be the perfect size for starting a nest. Also, leaves, sticks and other detritus may collect in the spikes. This pads the area somewhat, also allowing birds to nest. In either case, a regular clearing out of the spikes will generally prevent nesting behaviours.

Netting, Mesh and Covers

Protective garden netting, mesh and covers are another way to protect your property from birds. If you have an area where bird spikes are not appropriate or want to exclude small birds, consider netting. Appropriate netting can protect building surfaces as well as plants in your garden. It comes in a variety of mesh sizes and can be cut to size.