Bonnet Hood Hair Dryers

What is a bonnet hood hairdryer?

If you are looking for a new hairdryer and are interested in the hands-free approach then a bonnet hood hairdryer may be just the solution for you! The bonnet hood hair dryer, or also known as a hooded hairdryer, may look overwhelming and daunting but there are some reasons why you may want to opt for this type of hair dryer instead.

Traditional hooded hair dryers had a tall metal stand with a hood shape at the top. The hooded part had vented chambers which blew out hot or cold air. In order to use the hooded hairdryer, you pull it down over damp or wet hair and allow it to dry your hair with the selected level of heat.

It may be something that you may have seen in older style movies, but the bonnet hood hairdryer does have some benefits that make it still useful today. Generally, in the past it was used to dry hair with rollers so that it kept the curls in place, but it can be used without rollers too.

The benefits of a bonnet hood hairdryer

The main draw of the bonnet hood hairdryer is that it requires no manual work. You do not need to hold the hairdryer like a traditional hand-held hair dryer and you can simply sit and let it work its magic while you relax and read a magazine. There will be no more wrist cramps and you won’t have to bend your body in uncomfortable ways just to dry that spot that you can’t reach. The hooded hairdryer does it all and circulates air around your entire head. It may take a little longer to dry your hair than newer models of hairdryers but you do not need to hold it to your head.

Try a bonnet hood hairdryer today on eBay and start drying your hair in style.