
Netbooks to keep you connected

Netbooks are a fairly recent development in the world of portable computing. Not overly obsessed with raw computational power, storage or elite level graphics for computer games, they serve mainly to keep us easily connected with social media, email, and common web-based apps on the go.

There is no totally solid definition of what makes a computer a netbook. However, there are a few qualities that netbooks typically have in common. Netbooks are smaller than a full-size laptop or even a notebook PC. Unlike tablets, netbooks have keyboards attached to the screen, although they rarely have the full 101 key keyboard or a screen wider than 11 inches. Modern, high-end netbooks often incorporate SSD storage technology which is lighter and more compact than HDD technology and draws substantially less power. This allows the machine to provide the same battery life with a much smaller and lighter battery.

Netbook features

Despite the emphasis on small size, low weight, and portability, netbooks do not completely ignore speed, power, or storage concerns. Most incorporate relatively fast dual-core processors, and often as much as 2GB RAM even for low-end units. High-end netbooks might even be upgradable to as much as 8GB RAM and a 1TB HDD. However, high powered units may suffer a relatively short battery life.

Every netbook can be expected to come with WiFi capability, and many rely on web-based storage, as they typically don't have ginormous hard drives to offer. With a few gigabytes of RAM, you can certainly manage with internet storage and external hard drives. It is also rare to find a netbook without at least one or two USB ports.

Netbook operating systems

Netbooks are available in almost any operating system you could want. Windows 10 and even Windows X systems are common. Chromebooks, of course, operate on Google's Chrome OS. MacBook airs and similar models use Apple's OS.

Netbooks are made by many manufacturers and imported into Australia from many countries. Leading manufacturers include Lenovo, Acer Aspire, EeeBook, Intel, and Xiaoma.