Solar Outdoor Fountains


Brighten Your Garden With A Solar Water Fountain 

The addition of a solar water feature can create a sense of tranquillity, with water running over the edges of the feature, soothingly washing away the stresses and strains of the busy world outside your home. A great addition to your ponds or even as a stand-alone centrepiece of your garden. 

eBay has a variety of small and medium sized water features made from low maintenance Polyresins and plastics with stone finishes for an authentic stone fountain look. 

How does a solar water fountain work?

Most solar water fountains have a direct connection between the solar panel and the water pump. When this panel is exposed to sunlight, it makes a voltage that is sent to the pump. This voltage powers the submerged impeller inside the pump, which in turn makes the water jet or spray. For the pump to work, the solar panel must be facing the sun. Most solar panels also have a battery that can be charged and stores electricity during the day so the pump (and fountain) can still run at night.

Are solar powered water fountains any good?

One of the biggest benefits of a solar water fountain is that they’re environmentally friendly. They don’t use electricity, saving you money, and they also don’t release any damaging greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. They also can really enhance your outdoor space, providing a tranquil area where you can enjoy the lush sounds of a waterfall.

For outdoor and indoor use

Inner city or suburban apartments often lack the space needed for a complicated plumbed water fountain with pond fountain pumps and all the bells and whistles, a freestanding solar water feature within a courtyard, balcony area or sunroom can create a sense of escape, a tranquil place where you can relax with a book or coffee and listen to the peaceful sounds of water running over your solar water fountain.

Solar water fountains have the versatility of being able to add to both indoor and outdoor spaces. Indoor fountains add a layer of peace to your home, bringing the outdoors into an urban apartment. An added bonus of a solar powered water feature is removing the need for a power supply allowing you to place your water feature anywhere in your home - provided it gets enough sunlight to power the fountain.

Considerations when shopping for solar water fountains

Outdoor solar fountains are a great addition to a courtyard or small garden, to either be hidden away within the foliage or as a focal point in the middle of the space, like a bird solar fountain. The bonus of solar power means not only no additional wires, but additional plumbing is not required to power the pump either.

Additional options include multiple tiers and solar powered LED lights for more impact at night. A full package fountain comes with water pump, rechargeable batteries to back up the solar power panel, as well as a ground holder to ensure it is placed sturdily in its position.

If you are wondering “how long do solar fountains last”, it can depend on the quality of the machine you buy. On average though, the pump should last between 2-4 years, provided you take care of it.

So, “can I get replacement solar power for my water fountain”? You sure can. And that’s the beauty about shopping with eBay. It’s all right here at the click of a button!