Stage Lighting Stands & Trusses

Stage Lighting Stands and Trusses

Stage lighting is the most essential element to make a concert or performance memorable. Not only does it keep the performers illuminated, but it also captivates the audience with a combination of moving and coloured lights that even change depending on the mood of the show. Many lights can be mounted on trusses and stands for optimum coverage so you can come up with a winning layout if you’re hosting an event using stage lighting effects.


Stage lighting truss segments like Global Truss and American DJ lighting stands and trusses combine to make the frame that supports the lighting fixtures. These vary in size and material, often aluminium or steel. Aluminium is ideal for its moderate strength but light weight. The bases are made of steel however to support the weight of the trusses and give the whole setup some needed stability. Additionally, trusses can be combined in such a way that they can be suspended on wires for stage performances. Since a visible frame is not acceptable in a theatre, unlike for concerts, lighting technicians can build them up into a cross to be suspended with cables to cover the lighting needs of the entire stage.


The T-bar is a smaller scale lighting truss that looks more like a projector screen stand than anything else. As the name suggests, it has a T-shaped bar at the top while having bottom legs that fold outward for added support. These can carry lightweight fixtures, making them ideal for horizontal lighting in theatres or even for parties. They are typically used with LED lights simply because these lights are not heavy and are consequently easier to balance on the lighting T-bar stand.

Lighting Controls

Most of the magic happens at the control booth, where the lighting technicians man the lighting console. This is a board akin to what you find in recording studios, but it is only for controlling light intensity for particular sections in the lighting setup. This is also where technicians can configure paths for moving spotlight lights so they may be automated.