Steam Generators


Affordable steam generators for your home

Do you spend a lot of money and time going to visit day spas and steam rooms? What if we told you that you could have a steam room in your own home, without installing a full sauna? Naturally, building a complete sauna in your home is out of reach for many people, both financially and in terms of space. So, the solution is a steam shower!

Steam showers are a bit bigger than a normal shower but provide all the same benefits as a regular sauna. However, one key item you’ll need to purchase is a steam generator. In addition, if you do want to build a full sauna, steam generators are an easy way to get the steam you need without all those hot coals which can be a fire hazard.

What is a steam generator?

A steam generator is a machine that heats water to produce steam. While the technology is a lot more complex, that’s the prime function. Steam generators are used in many settings, even industrial ones, but we’re talking specifically about smaller units you may use in a home sauna or steam shower. If you’re installing a steam shower, the steam generator is one of the crucial parts that you can’t do without.

Benefits of using a steam shower

Steam showers offer great benefits, including:

  • Relaxation
  • Pain relief
  • Improve skin
  • Aids the cardiovascular system
  • They’re easy to install
  • They don’t take up much space
  • Adds a touch of luxury to your bathroom

How to choose the right steam generator

Steam generators come in a variety of different sizes, which essentially reflects the power output. The first thing you want to look for is the KW rating, which determines how powerful the unit is. For a small steam shower, you may only need a low KW machine, but for saunas and larger steam rooms, you could choose one up to 24KW depending on your needs.

In addition, ensure that your kit comes with all of the cords and valves that you need, as it can be a hassle buying these separately. Finally, always look for one with a steam controller, which allows you to manually adjust the settings.