Nursery Décor

Nursery Decor

You've picked out the crib, put together the dresser, and added curtains to the windows; now it's time for some decorating. A unicorn nightlight for your little dreamer or maybe a light-up football for your future all-star. Vinyl wall stickers make good decorations because they are easy to put up and take down as your baby grows. A mobile on the crib does double duty; it serves a decoration as well as a way to entertain your infant.

Up High

When it comes to a baby's room, nursery wall decor is by far the most popular. The reason is simple: if it's up and out of the way, the baby can't get hurt on it or destroy it. In addition, wall space is always a premium because you have at least four walls in every room. Hang an inspirational sign that says, "Dream Big" or "I love you to the moon and back."

Down Low

A couple well-placed nursery mats and rugs will not just make the room more inviting; it's an excellent way to add texture and colour. If you happen to have hardwood floors, then a rug is a must for late night bottle feedings.

On a Shelf

Adding a shelf to the wall gives you plenty of room to set eye catching decorations. For example, stuffed animals are a good way to decorate a dresser top or shelf. Another option is to place a wooden plaque with your baby's name spelt out.

Mix and Match

You don't have to pick just one theme to enjoy decorating a room. Mix and match favourite characters, colours, and themes to make the space unique for your little one. Just put the things you like in the area, and you'll smile every time you walk in there.