2 min article

Listing durations and timings

When you list an item on eBay, you can choose a listing duration, which is the length of time it will show on our site.

The length of time you can list for depends on the listing format you choose:

Listing duration options:

  • Auction-style format – 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. Unsold items may be automatically relisted
  • Fixed price format – Good 'Til Cancelled. This means that the listing continues until the item is sold, or until you end the listing

To create a 1-day listing, you'll need to have a Feedback score of at least 10. If you don't meet this requirement, you won't see the 1-day option.

How to select a listing duration

To set the listing duration for an auction-style listing in the quick listing tool:

  1. At the bottom of the listing form, select Change beside your current listing preferences.
  2. Check the Enable more options box and hit Save.
  3. In the Pricing section, select Change.
  4. Ensure the Auction starting bid box is checked and then select More options.
  5. From the Auction duration drop-down, choose your preferred listing duration.
  6. Fill in the rest of your listing, then select List it.

To choose a listing duration using the advanced listing tool:

  1. Go to the Pricing section.
  2. Select the number of days from the Auction duration dropdown.
  3. Fill in the rest of your listing, then select List it.

When selecting a 1- or 3-day duration, you may see a message advising that, if your item doesn't sell, we'll relist it for you for free as a 7-day auction. See our article on relisting items for more information.

Good 'Til Cancelled listings

When you list a fixed price item, it will relist every month on the same day until it's sold. For example, if you list your item on the 1st of May, it will relist on the 1st of June.

If you list your item on the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month, the duration will be adjusted if the following month is shorter, but will revert to the original day for longer months. For example, if you list an item on the 31st of May, it will relist on the 30th of June, and then again on the 31st of July and so on.

Scheduling listings

You can schedule listings to start on a day and time you choose – up to 3 weeks in advance, allowing you to create your listings at your convenience and control the time they start and end.

To schedule your listing in the quick listing tool:

  1. Go to the Pricing section.
  2. Select Schedule your listing's start time. (If you don't see this option, select More options first.)
  3. Set a start date and time.

To schedule your listing in the advanced listing tool:

  1. Go to the Pricing section.
  2. Set Schedule your listing to on. (If you don't see this option, select See all options and set Scheduling to on first.)
  3. Set a start date and time.

You can view your scheduled items - opens in new window or tab in My eBay.

To reschedule or cancel a scheduled listing:

  1. Go to your scheduled items - opens in new window or tab.
  2. Choose the listing you want to change.
  3. Select Reschedule to change the date and time, or Delete to cancel the listing.

Listing times on eBay.com.au are shown in Australian Eastern Time (AEST or AEDT). eBay's official time - opens in new window or tab is the time at eBay headquarters in San Jose.

Listing times

Listings end in whole-day increments from the listing's start time, so if you submit your listing at 1:14pm on Sunday and select a 3-day listing, it will end at exactly 1:14 pm on Wednesday.

Listings that run during a daylight saving time change will still receive the full listing duration. For example, if you have a 1-day listing that starts at 1pm on Saturday, and the daylight saving time spring transition occurs that Saturday evening, the listing will end at 2pm on Sunday.

You can schedule listings to start on a day and time you choose, up to 3 weeks in advance – allowing you to create your listings at your convenience and control the time they start and end.

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