Dog Toys

Dog toys that look just like a man's best friend

With dogs being one of the most popular pets in Australia and worldwide, it's no surprise there are so many of their toy equivalents available on eBay.

Get to play with different dog breeds

Great for little nippers and adults alike, stuffed dog toys come in a range of dog breeds. From dog breeds such as Miniature Schnauzers, Border Collies, a King Charles Spaniel, or even a Pug, the options on simply endless. To help playtime, some dog toys come with their own accessories such as a coat, ball or treat to really help your children to understand the concepts of dog ownership through play.

Some dog toys are more realistic than others with a range of colours from the obvious browns, greys and blacks to the slightly wackier pinks and purples. There are also other animal toys sold on eBay to allow you or your children to collect them all, from cats, fish, penguins and even unicorns. Whatever you opt for, they all are pretty huggable and make for a great choice of kid's toy.

From miniature to life-size plush dog toys

Look out for the size of the dog toy you're about to buy, from miniature puppy's to life-size dog toys, all offer great fun. You can also buy from some of the leading toy brands such as Ty, Bocchetta, Keel Toys, Beanie Babies or Hasbro, or opted for a dog teddy bear that is unbranded. Most plush dog toys are fairly durable to ensure the dog toy will withstand many playtimes to come.

Smaller models are on eBay such as Ty Beanie Boos being only six inches, and there are even smaller three-inch key-ring versions available. Keep an eye out for seasonal must-haves, such as Christmas models to bring the excitement of a new dog toy into your home on every occasion throughout the year and make it a real collection. They make for an extra special treat to your kids at these times of the year.