Teeth Whitening Kits

Home Teeth-Whitening Kits for a Brighter Smile

There are many culprits that can cause unsightly teeth staining, including coffee and tea, red wine, colas, curry power, berries and smoking.

If your pearly whites are stained and not looking at their best you may be considering getting a teeth whitening treatment. Having a professional teeth whitening treatment at the dentist can be an expensive exercise so many people opt to try home teeth whitening kits as a more affordable alternative. Most teeth whiteners contain hydrogen peroxide, which is a highly effective teeth bleaching agent, but can be harmful to your dental health if not used correctly. It's best to avoid any product with hydrogen peroxide levels above six percent.. Many teeth-whitening kits will specify that they contain carbamide peroxide, which is similar to hydrogen peroxide but is gentler on the gums.

How home teeth-whitening kits work

Home teeth whitening kits generally use either charcoal, gel-based whitening solutions or LED lamps to remove stains from teeth. Charcoal-based products are usually in toothpaste form. Gel-based kits are used with a rubber mould or a mouth tray that is fitted around your teeth. Other whitening solutions are activated with LED lamps that emit light directly onto your teeth.

Are teeth-whitening kits safe to use?

How safe a teeth-whitening kit is to use depends on how often you use one and what the ingredients are. Repeated us of whitening products can mildly corrode your tooth enamel, so it's best to consult a dentist for advice on what product is best for you.

Sensitive teeth

After using a home teeth-whitening kit your teeth may feel more sensitive than usual and you may need to use a toothpaste especially formulated for sensitive teeth.See what you can find on eBay.